

By Michael Kinney

Of all the things that have taken place since Kevin Durant announced he was leaving Oklahoma City, nothing has surprised me more than what Russell Westbrook has said. And that is nothing.

Even with all of the rumors, anonymous source reports and predictions taking place, the Thunder point guard has remained silent to the public when it comes to the current state of his franchise.

Knowing his aversion to the media and open microphones, that really shouldn’t be too big of a shock. However, as the now unquestioned leader and face of the Thunder, you might have thought he would have taken the opportunity to settle the nerves and fears of Oklahoma City fans with a public statement, a quick press conference or one on one interview with a reporter.

Being a part of the Millennials, he could have even taken to social media to tell the fan base that all will be OK. That even though they lost a great player in Durant, the team has assembled a squad that will still compete with the top teams in the league.

Any of that would have been an easy remedy to a lot of the contract, trade and player dissatisfaction rumors that fans have feasted on for the past month.

Instead, Westbrook has chosen to stay silent. I’m sure he has his reasons and will still play like a demon possessed once the season starts.

But when you are the face of the team, a little more is expected.


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